Increase Mobility and Streamline Communication
Tablet Order Entry
- Obtain resident orders via tablets or mobile devices
- Utilize smart icons to personalize the dining conversation and suggest offerings based on preferences
- Enter comments to accompany resident selections such as modifiers, cooking temperatures (e.g. well-done)
- Access real time resident information while entering order selections
Connect, Communicate and Report
- Wirelessly transmit resident orders to kitchen receipt printers
- Reduce paper menus and increase timing of communication
- Connect order entry personnel with back-of-the-house kitchen staff
- Identify residents who do not have an order entered in real time or by day and meal

RDS Order Ticket increases staff mobility and supports modern workflows by delivering functionality to obtain orders on tablet or mobile devices and wirelessly transmit resident orders directly to the kitchen via a receipt-style thermal kitchen printer. Eliminate the need for the passage of paper between residents and the kitchen and completely personalize the order taking experience.
The Order Ticket add-on module delivers enhanced point-of-service functionality and is customizable to your operations. Obtain orders via tablet devices in advance or restaurant style in the dining room and send the order immediately following a single resident's order entry or batch send multiple orders by table, floor, dining room, etc.